Dear Chairs Stabenow and Scott,

As food and farm policy advocates, we strongly support the investments proposed in the current reconciliation package and oppose any reductions in the size and scope of these food, nutrition, farm, forestry, renewable energy, research, and rural development investments.

In particular, we strongly support the investments designed to simplify and increase year-round assistance to low-income school children; help schools provide and expand access to healthier meals; provide debt relief for those most at risk; invest in farming practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and store carbon; expand sustainable farming research; and support renewable energy development on our farms. The programs that result from this spending bill will be stronger with equity central to their design, application, accessibility, and impact.

We urge you to maintain these investments at the proposed levels. They will reduce hunger, improve nutrition, address long-standing inequities in our food and farm system, create thousands of jobs in our rural communities, and meet growing farmer demand for conservation funding.


21st Century Youth Leadership Movement

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Border Agricultural Workers Project

California Association of Food Banks

Carolina Farm Stewardship Association

Center for Science in the Public Interest

Certified Naturally Grown

Chef Ann Foundation

Community Alliance with Family Farmers

Community Health Improvement Partners Farm to Institution Center

DC Greens


Environmental Working Group

Fair Food Network

Family Farm Action Alliance

Family Farm Defenders

Farm Aid

Farm Generations Cooperative

Farm to Table New Mexico

Farmers Market Coalition

Farms to Grow, Inc.

Farmworker Association of Florida

Food Research & Action Center


Foodshed Capital

Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities


Health, Environment, Agriculture, Labor (HEAL) Food Alliance

Healthy Babies Bright Futures

Hunger Free America

Illinois Stewardship Alliance

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

Intertribal Agriculture Council

Island Grown Initiative

Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future

Land For Good

Land Loss Prevention Project

Maine Farmland Trust

Missouri Coalition for the Environment

National Center for Appropriate Technology

National Farm to School Network

National Latino Farmers & Ranchers Trade Association

National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition

National Young Farmers Coalition

Natural Resources Defense Council

New Entry Sustainable Farming Project

Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York

Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides

Nourish Colorado

Oregon Climate and Agriculture Network

Oregon Farm to School & School Garden Network

Organic Farming Research Foundation


Roots of Change

Rural Advancement Foundation International-USA (RAFI-USA)

Rural Advancement Fund of the National Sharecropper Fund

Rural Coalition

Rural Development Leadership Network

San Diego Hunger Coalition

Slow Food USA

Sustainable Agriculture and Food System Funders

Sustainable Food Center

Sustainable Iowa Land Trust

The Common Market

The Food Trust

The James Beard Foundation

Union of Concerned Scientists

Virginia Association for Biological Farming

Wallace Center

Wellness in Schools

Whole Kids Foundation

Wholesome Wave

Paris Kissel