A collaborative effort to build a better food system from farm to fork

From farm to fork, our food system should be equitable and sustainable and make nutritious food available for everyone.


 In the United States, we have the resources we need to make sure that no one is hungry, the food we eat is safe and healthy, the people who harvest, stock and serve our food are treated fairly and the way we grow and distribute food respects our natural resources and the environment for generations to come.


 Who We Are

We work to make this a reality. Farm to Fork is a community of food policy stakeholders reflecting the voice of the broad good food movement. We collaborate in alliance for Good Food policies at the federal level, with a steadfast commitment to building thriving local and regional food systems.

The Farm to Fork Initiative holds the common principles of equity, abundance, health, sustainability, and dignity. We work collectively to call for better food policies rooted in these principles.


Our Policy Priorities

Image description:Two people are wearing denim jackets in a grocery store, smiling while reaching for green apples

Image description: Two people are wearing denim jackets in a grocery store, smiling while reaching for green apples

Equal Access & Addressing Inequities

  • An end to food insecurity and its root cause, economic inequities

  • Universally affordable and accessible nutritious foods

  • Working towards a racially just food system, especially by investing in Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color’s leadership, including as food producers

  • Providing international food assistance to avert humanitarian crises and assist with global agricultural development

Labor & Economic Advancements

  • Safe working environments, fair pay, health care, and the right to organize for all food and farmworkers

  • Immigration policies that protect and uplift the communities and livelihoods of laborers throughout the food chain

  • Thriving regional food systems that support local communities and the environment

  • Addressing the consolidation of our food system and investing in independent, regional, and community-based food systems

  • The ability of farmers and rural communities to thrive through investments that support rural America

Image description: A person in a red shirt and hat is leaning over to clip grapes off a vine

Image description: A person in a red shirt and hat is leaning over to clip grapes off a vine

Image description:A person in denim overalls and yellow gloves is handling plants in a nursery

Image description: A person in denim overalls and yellow gloves is handling plants in a nursery

Environmental Health & Sustainability

  • Sustainable agriculture practices that protect the air, soil health, and water; provide good lives for farm animals; and mitigate climate change

  • Improving water quality and availability through water resource management

Image description:A child in a denim jacket is enjoying a blueberry during school lunch

Image description: A child in a denim jacket is enjoying a blueberry during school lunch

Health & Nutrition

  • A reduction in diet-related disease, especially among communities facing the greatest health disparities

  • A focus on good food in the health care system, so that access to, and information about, nutritious foods are widely accepted as part of preventive care and treatment

  • Safe food and water in all communities


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 Copyright © 2021 Farm to Fork Initiative. All Rights Reserved.

Farm to Fork is a project of the Windward Fund, a 501(c)(3) public charity.
